Sustainable Lighting Design
At Spear Lighting, we have a strong ethos for providing high-quality, energy efficient lighting design and technology. We always strive to maximise operational efficiency and performance, whilst ensuring legislative compliance and following the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers’ (CIBSE) guidelines.
High Quality
We believe that a high-quality lighting scheme is achieved through a synthesis of conceptual design, technical ingenuity, creative flair, aesthetics and a thorough understanding of the interaction between people and their environment. 3D photometric layout drawings calculate the precise lux levels achievable in each area of a building and confirm that the products are fit for purpose.
Energy Saving
We also assess general maintenance, upgradability as well as the intended design life of any scheme. Where appropriate, we will recommend the use of occupancy sensors, daylight monitoring and zoned controls to enhance energy savings. We are able to calculate the time required to achieve a return on investment for any new or upgraded lighting installation and show the expected carbon savings to support any environmental strategies.